CNA Change Award – BlueSky: 10 ‘accelerated’ start-up finalists with Techno

The national final of the competition promoted by the Italian Confederation of Craft Trades and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Confederazione Nazionale dell’Artigianato e delle Piccole e Medieie Imprese [CNA]) took place in Rome on 19 November. It supports the best Italian companies founded after 1 January 2017 that have been able to rediscover traditions, promote their region and community, innovate products and processes and build the future.


The jury’s verdict

There were 20 companies/startups in the running, many of which specialised in the areas of biomedical and medical technology, as well as the circular and green economy.

The winner was Fagoterapia Lab Srl (San Giuliano Terme – PI), specialised in the development of treatments against infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria.

In second and third place were Re Learn Srl (Turin) and Aequor Srl (Manerbio – BS), active respectively in waste management processes and the production of completely antibacterial sanitary ware.



Bluesky finalists 

At the same time, the 10 finalist start-ups for the Bluesky acceleration path, sponsored by Techno as Business Partner of the Premio Cambiamenti, have been defined: B-Blas Sbrl (Lugo), iFarming Srl (Imola), ISAAC Antisismica (Milan), RECO2 Srl (Pontecorvo), One Less Van Srl (Venice), Optimon Srl (Tradate), QTool Srl (Pont-Sant-Martin), The Circle S.A.R.L. (Rome), Novac Srl (Modena), Tomapaint Srl (Parma).

By virtue of their participation in the programme, the projects that will be selected during the final event will receive prizes in the form of training credits and will be able to compete for a final prize of a maximum value of €10,000, equity and quasi-equity, guarantees and co-guarantees, within the limits of a ceiling determined at Techno’s discretion.


The Project that will be proclaimed the winner of the Call during the final event of the Bluesky path, scheduled for 17 December, may be awarded a further bonus prize of up to €5,000.

Here are the profiles of the companies that took part in the final event on 19 November and of those selected for Bluesky.

‘Being able to contribute to the Premio Cambiamenti is an enriching opportunity for Techno and its partners, with a view to developing synergies in the Lombardy and Italian territories, creating mutual development opportunities.

Through this initiative and the related Bluesky – Call for Innovation acceleration process, we will be able to enable and accelerate ideas and collaborations aimed at developing new products and markets by leveraging, thanks to CNA’s roots in Italy, the inestimable potential of the ecosystem of micro/small Italian companies,’ says Mauro Nodari, Head of Product Marketing, Business Development and Innovation at Techno, chairman of the jury at the 19 November final.

The next date to mark in the calendar is therefore Friday 17 December 2021 for the final event of Bluesky – Call for Innovation, which will take place in Varese at the Aula Magna of the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria.